10 Items You Should Absolutely Have On Your Bucket List!

Several people have recently reached out to me and asked ‘What’s the best way to start a bucket list?’ so I figured I would address that question here! And if you’re not one of these people, I encourage you to read my 7 Reasons To Have a Bucket List post. The short and sweet answer to the how to start a bucket list question is, ‘just write it down’ and what I mean by that is just get a piece of paper, or open a word document in google drive (so that you can easily access it anywhere) and start writing down items you’ve always wanted to do. I know this isn’t the best answer, which is why I’m working on a better (much longer) answer to be posted next week, so stay tuned!

For now, I want to share 10 items that you absolutely need to add to your bucket list. The reason I’m posting this before the actual ‘how to write a bucket list’ post is because I want to give you all some examples of items to add. So that when you finally get around to writing that perfect bucket list, you have a baseline/example to follow. So for now, let’s jump right into those items! Please comment down below if I’m missing any big ones 🙂

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