The Albuquerque International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta is a bucket list worthy item. Every year, people from all over the world come to Albuquerque, New Mexico to set up their balloons, sell rides, and basically just hang out and admire the beautiful balloons in the sky. IT. IS. AWESOME.
Check out all of my photos to inspire you to check it out!

What an awesome experience. Saw some fantastic balloons start flat on the ground, get fired up and soar to the skies. I could literally stay here all day and watch the balloons.

It was all so pretty!

I saw a bear and I had to! Lol BEAR DOWN (literally)

The balloons were all SO HUGE. I had never seen any this close it was so awesome! Everybody seriously needs to come here.

Mom loved the Balloon Fiesta lol I had to put a hat on her so that I wouldn’t lose her.

Such cool balloon shapes at the Balloon Fiesta!

Of course we had to go back to the ABQ Balloon Fiesta Night Glow Session! We got to see the balloons get fired up and glow in the evening! Super cool to watch!

The Balloon Fiesta also had fireworks. What an awesome day/night.

I hope you all enjoyed the list! Thank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic! Please comment and let me know what other items I need to add.
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