Every once in a while, I think it’s helpful to step back and reflect on life. Recently I’ve been reflecting on who I have surrounding me and I realized that a very important part of my life is this blog and the small (but mighty) community that we’ve built together. With every comment or message that I receive from those in this space, I feel like I get to know each person on a deeper level.
I believe this should be a two-way street so to help bridge that gap, I’ve decided to share 10 enthusiastic facts about myself so that we can get better acquainted. Let me know if you have any burning questions for me! Check out my About section to learn even more and to also learn more about the blog!
My day job is working as an engineer at Honeywell Aerospace and I truly love my job! It’s so fun, interesting and my colleagues are phenomenal.
My family is Mexican ?? so we are super close, love to play the card game dompe, I call my mom almost everyday (I’m annoying lol), and my nephew’s favorite song is La Chona ?
Lady Gaga
I’m obsessed with Lady Gaga and I have gone to different cities to see her!
This Is Why You’re Single
I listen to podcasts while I run and my faves are How I Built This and This Is Why You’re Single.
I love to travel and in every new city I visit I like to run, party and go to brunch.
My boyfriend is seriously the sweetest person you’ll ever meet and I want to post about him every day but I don’t want to be obnoxious lol.
The go-to gifts from my family for my birthday have always been socks because I always lose them ? but I got a ton of socks this year so we need a new go-to gift.
I love blogging because I love to inspire people to do cool things and also because bloggers are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met.
I have 2 brunch squads because I love breakfast food and mimosas.
In 2015 I started a scholarship with fellow alumni to send students from my university to the SHPE Convention and to this day, it is one of my proudest achievements.
Thank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic!
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