7 Enthusiastic Lessons Learned From Yoga!

Tomorrow is International Yoga Day and we are very excited!

I do yoga once a week at my gym and I love it. I love to do yoga every Friday and also after a long run or a long trip because it helps me to relax and free my mind. We’ve talked about yoga before on the blog when we visited The Foundry so you already know I am #EnthusiasticAboutYoga! To celebrate, I am sharing 7 lessons I’ve learned from doing yoga that can translate to your work life and your personal life. Enjoy!

#1: Breathing is powerful

One big lesson that I’ve taken away from my years of practicing yoga is the ever solid ‘just breathe’ mantra. Anyone can do yoga because anyone who is alive can breathe. In yoga, when you are having difficulty with a pose, you are told to breathe and focus on keeping your breath steady even if that means you don’t quite hit the pose. In life, you can do this as well. When life gets a little overwhelming, just stop and take a few breaths. Trust me, it works wonders.

#2: Do what you can with where you are

When it comes to the stretches or the poses in yoga, one thing that is stressed by every yoga teacher is to not over-exert yourself. Yoga is about you and where you are in your journey, just like your life is about you. So with yoga, you are encouraged to do as much as you are able to with your current skills and flexibility.

#3: Be in the moment

One of my favorite lessons that I’ve gained from yoga is the real appreciation of being in the moment and not thinking about anything else. This is particularly true for hot yoga because during hot yoga, all you can do is focus on the movements. There is no room for problems. You can apply this lesson to your own life. Appreciate every little moment.

#4: You can step away from the noise

Yoga can be an escape for many people. It’s a moment to step away from the noise of our daily lives and that is completely acceptable. You are allowed to take moments out of your day just for yourself and for your emotional and mental well-being.

#5: Practice brings improvement

Not many people can walk into a yoga class and master all the moves. The best people in yoga are the ones who are consistent and practice their craft. With every pose, you will get better because practice brings improvement. This can also be applied to your work/personal life. You will be good at what you practice.

#6: You are allowed to take a break

In yoga, whenever you find it difficult to breathe or the poses are too much for you, you are encouraged to get into child’s pose and rest. The same principle applies to life, you are allowed to take a break. No one expects you to be 100% all the time. If life gets busy and you can’t make it to yoga, that is also okay. Yoga will always be there to welcome you back.

#7: Nothing difficult lasts forever

This is another favorite lesson, you know that incredibly difficult pose that you have to hold? It won’t last forever, in fact, it will only last 10 counts. There is always an end in sight, and that difficult pose will stop soon. The same applies to life, difficult moments will come and go, but they will always go. Whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation, just remember that it is only temporary.

I hope you all enjoyed the list and are inspired to check out a yoga class either at a studio or on YouTube! Let me know how you’re celebrating today!

Thank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic!

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