Several people have recently reached out to me and asked ‘What’s the best way to start a bucket list?’ so I figured I would address that question here! And if you’re not one of these people, I encourage you to read my 7 Reasons To Have a Bucket List post. The short and sweet answer to the how to start a bucket list question is, ‘just write it down’ and what I mean by that is just get a piece of paper, or open a word document in google drive (so that you can easily access it anywhere) and start writing down items you’ve always wanted to do. I know this isn’t the best answer, which is why I’m working on a better (much longer) answer to be posted next week, so stay tuned!
For now, I want to share 10 items that you absolutely need to add to your bucket list. The reason I’m posting this before the actual ‘how to write a bucket list’ post is because I want to give you all some examples of items to add. So that when you finally get around to writing that perfect bucket list, you have a baseline/example to follow. So for now, let’s jump right into those items! Please comment down below if I’m missing any big ones 🙂
This item belongs on your bucket list whether you are an athlete or not. Crossing off a physical milestone off of your bucket list item is much more than the physical aspect…it’s also a mental thing. Setting a goal, training for it, and then getting to the finish line is an amazing feeling. When you add a race/hike/weight goal to your bucket list, you make it real. You set your goal, you train, and you complete it. When I ran my first 5K, I almost passed out because I didn’t train that much but I FINISHED. I crossed that finish line and I proved to myself that I was capable. I want you all to experience that feeling whether it’s hiking that mountain, running that race, swimming across that lake, or achieving that weight loss goal.
I crossed off this item in a big way two years ago and let me tell you, this is a necessary item on your bucket list.
I have a friend at work who is seriously the sweetest person and whenever it is anyone’s birthday at the office she always makes sure to make them feel special. I have been wanting to celebrate her birthday and make her feel special for years but this friend is very secretive and refused to tell us her birthday. So we decided to choose an arbitrary day and declared it her birthday. Doing something for someone and expecting nothing in return is one of the best and most rewarding feelings ever, I strongly recommend it!
This bucket list item was on my graduation bucket list but I’m adding it to this list because everyone needs to cross off this item. At least once in your life, you need to let loose a little and party like a rockstar. It doesn’t necessarily have to be you literally partying at night with friends, getting the crowd excited at a nightclub while on the upper level of the club looking at everyone dancing below….(like I did) but for a couple of moments, you need to enjoy the life you are living. You need to go out and have a little fun, even if it’s as small as going out for coffee or dinner with friends.
It’s always fun to cross off items with friends and to help someone cross off a bucket list item is such a great feeling. My friend Thania from Subculture Recall wanted to run a 5K and she saw a race I was doing and decided to join in!
It can be as easy as just posting a status update on Facebook and then following through when a friend asks to join in.
Travel is a big part of living that bucket list life…and it all starts with local travel. Start small, and visit landmarks in your own city…then move on to different states. Take a road trip or take a flight. Whatever you decide, just plan that trip. The world is so big and it is our duty to see it all.
I never quite understood how big (and small) the world was until I went on my first overseas trip to Europe. Everyone needs to step outside of their home country and experience a new country, a new language, and new people. There’s something about being so vulnerable and out of your comfort zone that allows for so much growth. If you’re afraid to cross off this bucket list item, I have two tips. 1) Either go big and visit a country with a different language on the other side of the world or 2) just dip your toes and visit a country that is close by where people speak the same language. Whatever you decided to do, just do it. I read a quote once that says, ‘the world is a book and those who do not travel, read only one page’…so open that book and get to reading! For inspiration, check out my travel bucket list!
Most of your bucket list will be ‘new’ items because by definition, it will be items that you’ve never done before…but what I mean by this one, is to do something that you would normally not do unless pushed by your bucket list.
The item that I chose to fulfill this was to visit a famous Alpaca Farm in Kingman and it was so awesome!!! Alpacas are so adorable. I learned that the only reason that alpacas are around today is because a few thousand of them were hidden after the Spanish tried to eradicate them way back when.
As much as I encourage others to live that bucket list life, I am human and have my own fears. One bucket list item that took me a little while to cross off because I was nervous was to get outside of my comfort zone. Sometimes you can plan this item and sometimes life just happens. For me, it just happened. A few months ago, I signed up to go to the Women In Travel Summit (WITS) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I had plans to attend with my friend Brenda, but alas, life happened. My friend got strep throat and had to cancel at the last minute. I had never been to Milwaukee and I didn’t know anyone else going, but I had already paid for my flight, hotel and registration. I decided to instead embrace the discomfort and go alone. This turned out to be one of the best bucket list items I’ve ever crossed off. Going alone forced me to go out of my way to make friends and I ended up having a blast. I made so many friends and professional contacts which led to future work (stay tuned for a visit to Minnesota!) and I also made it on the front page of the WITS website, can you spot me? Whatever causes you to be outside of your comfort zone, please embrace it…you never know what it might lead to.
If you know me, you’ll know that I am deathly afraid of heights, but this year for my 25th birthday I challenged myself to face that fear. And let me tell you, although it was extremely difficult to cross off this bucket list item, the feeling achieved after is out of this world. IÂ went to Fossil Creek with my family, made a friend who accompanied me to the top of the cliff, and then made a couple more friends (you can see them at the top) who were encouraging me. I needed that encouragement because I was up there for almost 45 minutes shaking and trying to work up the guts to jump. Whether it took me 45 seconds or 45 minutes to jump, what matters is that I did it and that I got to experience something really amazing and I want you all to experience that feeling.
Yes my friends, that is me. And yes, I am officiating a wedding. The wedding of one of my best friends, to be exact. This bucket list item has been one of my favorites to cross off. I encourage you all to think of the most random and unexpected thing you’ve ever wanted to do, and then write it down. It’s such a free feeling to decide to do something random and fun whether it’s becoming an ordained minister, visiting the largest ball of twine in the world, or making 1,000 paper cranes. What will you choose?
Well, there you have it! Those are 10 items that I believe you need to have on your bucket list because they are exciting, will help you grow, and will lead to really fun experiences. For more inspiration, feel free to check out my bucket list(s)!
Thank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic!
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