What a weekend friends, what a weekend. If you were following along on my Long Beach (LB) or Los Angeles (LA) Instagram stories, you’ll know that I was in California these last few days at the incredible #WeAllGrow Latina summit! This summit is one of my faves for so many reasons but the main reasons are because I am able to connect with phenomenal Latina bloggers/influencers/entrepreneurs, I learn a ton about blogging (stay tuned for exciting new things coming to the blog and to my social media), and the most important: I walk away so inspired and empowered.
This year, instead of doing a recap blog post (you can see past recaps here), I’ve decided to share this inspiration with you along with some fun photos of my newest friends and my favorite inspiration walls. During the last four days, I wrote down every inspirational nugget that either resonated with me personally or that I felt would resonate with all of you. The quotes are listed in the order that I heard them. Enjoy!

“If there’s not something out there for you, go out and create those things we are not seeing.” – Carolina Contreras AKA Miss_Rizos
“The world is so much bigger than us. We need to use our platform to talk about something other than ourselves.” – Shakira Barrera

“You own your life and you can change your path anytime.” – Maiah Ocando
“Your failures are necessary for your future successes.” – Maiah Ocando
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” – Maiah Ocando

“You need to learn to drop the phrase “I don’t do that”.” – Annie Leal
“Everybody has a story to tell and everybody has the capacity to tell it brilliantly.” – Teatro Luna

“I didn’t come here to teach you, I came here to love you and love will teach you.” – Teatro Luna
“You call it overreacting, I call it a woman standing her ground.” – Teatro Luna
“Tap into your inner reina and let her out to play.” – Pili Montillla

“Eres, eras y siempre seras unica.” – Brown Badass Bonita
“If you’re not honest about needing help, you will never get the help you need.” – Daniela Corrente
“It is not about minimizing or eliminating your weaknesses, it is about taking an honest look and turning them into competitive advantages.” – Mariana Atencio

“Find that moment when you thought you could do anything. Look at that moment, hold it tight, put it in your pocket and when you slip and fall, take it out and trust that it will get you through whatever you need to get through.” – Silvia Martinez aka Mama Latina
“You need to get out of your comfort zone and live a little. That’s what people mean when they call it living.” – Maira Garcia

“The only thing you should be competing against is your self doubt.” – Annya Santana
“When you think in terms of collaboration instead of competition you create magic.” – Cosmic Christine
When it comes to relationships (friends, romantic, family) you need to ask yourself: “Do I love myself more or less after spending time with this person?” – Brandie Carlos
“It’s so important to surround yourself with people who will be your mirrors shining your light back at you.” – Brandie Carlos

Are you inspired or are you inspired? Aren’t these ladies fabulous? If you are looking to follow some incredible ladies, check them out and think about joining us at the summit next year!
Who’s going back to We All Grow next year?! I know I am!! Let me know your favorite inspirational quote!
I hope this list resonates with you as much as it did with me. Thank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic!
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