You may not have heard of the city of Chandler unless you are from Arizona and I am here to change that! Chandler is a city just East of Phoenix, Arizona and there is a lot to eat, see and do here.
Chandler has changed a lot over the years and I recently started exploring and was inspired to create the Ultimate Chandler Bucket List.
Let me know if I missed any items, enjoy!
What To Eat

Chandler is home to many amazing restaurants and my personal favorite is Espo’s Mexican Food. Espo’s Mexican Food is a great, casual spot to grab some food and drinks. I tried their machaca enchiladas with rice and beans and it was tasty. There are so many others to try, check out the full list here.
What to See and Do
Murder Mystery Show

Tasty dinner. Over the top theatre. Laugh out loud reactions. These are three things to expect from the Murder Mystery Dinner Company in Phoenix at The Old Spaghetti Factory.
I’ve had ‘Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre’ on my bucket list for years, ever since I first heard about this concept back in college when a friend invited me. However, back then I didn’t completely understand it so I let the fear of the unknown stop me. But I’ve grown, matured, and became Enthusiastic About Life (or ‘The Queen of YOLO’ as my cousins likes to call me, blog post coming soon with the full origin story) so when I got approached to cross off this bucket list item, I had to say YES.
My cousin Juana joined me and we had such a unique and fun time. Juana had never heard of this type of outing and I had to explain to her what it was all about, so I figured I would share the same info with all of you!
The Murder Mystery Company performs live, interactive murder mystery dinner theater shows nationwide, including in Phoenix and Chandler. Their shows offer a unique experience, that allows you to get involved in the show (literally), and enjoy a tasty 3-course meal while you put your detective hat on.
Uptown Art

If you’d like to enjoy a glass of wine, beer or sparkling water, a fun social art experience like Uptown Art needs to be on your bucket list. It truly is an experience of letting go, trusting in the process and knowing that EVERYONE has an inner artist.
Ostrich Festival

I checked out the infamous Ostrich Festival in Chandler! It was so much fun and I highly recommend it! There are ostriches, emus, racing pigs, petting zoos, OSTRICH BURGERS (which are delicious), beer, rides, bird shows and a lot more!
I hope you all enjoyed the list! Thank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic!
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