The Ultimate Corvallis Bucket List!

Corvallis is about 1.5 hours from Portland and is such a cool spot. It’s a college town and there are so many different kinds of restaurants, bookstores, coffeeshops and it’s home to a beautiful campus. Check out all of my recommendations and let me know if you’re inspired to visit.

Admire the court house

Walk around campus and explore Corvallis

Greenhouse Coffee + Plants

Check out this plant and coffee shop!

Enjoy the amazing restaurants!

There’s a ton of restaurants, my favorite was Khalo Naser Syrian Cuisine & Lounge. I’ve never had Syrian food before and Khalo Naser was an amazing foray into this cuisine! The schwarma was delicious, the rice had SO MUCH flavor, and the salad was really good!. Check out more here!

hank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic!

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