So You Want To Start A Bucket List?

A few weeks ago, one of my best friends reached out to me and asked me for the best way to start living the enthusiastic bucket list life that I am always promoting. I broke it down step by step for her and sent her links to the posts she should read to get started. And since we are all about the sharing of knowledge here on Enthusiastic About Life, I’ve decided to share the info with all of you. I hope this helps you all, and like I told her, please reach out if you have any questions!

Now, if you’re all set and ready to start a bucket list, you can go straight to creating a word document below. However, if you’re still on the fence about whether or not you need a bucket list, your first task is to read the post 7 Reasons To Have a Bucket List.

Alright, now that we’re all on the same page, let’s get started! I’m pretty basic when it comes to my bucket list, it’s literally a word document saved on my Google drive so that I can access it anywhere in case I want to ever add to it. So that’s the first step, create a word document and title it whatever you like!

The next step is to look through the following blog posts and pages in the order listed to get more information and to get inspired as you add items to your bucket list!

The ‘How To Craft The Bucket List‘ post walks you through writing a bucket list. The ‘10 Items You Should Absolutely Have On Your Bucket List‘ gives you ideas of things to add.

These next few posts are a couple of my ‘ultimate bucket lists’ that are seasonal, location specific, or activity specific but have a ton of items that you can definitely include in your bucket list!

If you still need more inspiration you can check out the rest of the items I’ve already crossed off from my different bucket lists to get some ideas 🙂

If you want live inspiration of what I’m CURRENTLY crossing off of my bucket lists, then you can join the adventure on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

And there you have it! It’s a ton of info, but it will for sure get you going in the right direction. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all luck. It’s so nice to live an enthusiastic life and I hope you join me! I’m really excited to see what you all cross off! Let me know if you have any questions 🙂

Thank you all for reading, and stay enthusiastic!

Feel free to follow the adventure on social media ?
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