Items are listed in order of completion.
Graduation bucket list item #9 completed: HIKE ROMERO POOLS : 8/8/13
Romero Pools was a BEAUTIFUL hike. I would rate it moderately difficult. It’s not a short hike and there are some areas that are pretty steep. The end is definitely worth it. Beautiful pools and a lot of people cliff dive. I was too scared but I definitely plan to come back and cliff dive some time.
Graduation bucket list item #35 completed: EXPLORE THE SAN XAVIER UNDERGROUND STUDENT RUN MINE: 8/15/13
Visiting the San Xavier Student Run Mine in Tucson was a fantastic experience. It was so weird being 150 below the ground but at the same time very cool to see all of the equipment. I definitely recommend everyone to come check this place out even if you are not studying engineering!
Graduation bucket list item #112 completed: GET A JOB : 8/18/13
After two fantastic summers interning for Honeywell Aerospace and receiving an offer to return as a full time engineer after graduation, I am very excited to say that I have accepted the offer. I am looking forward to starting my career working for an amazing company and for the most supportive supervisor I have ever had. I can’t wait to reunite with great friends/colleagues and start new projects. 🙂
Graduation bucket list item #108 completed: VISIT KANSAS TO WATCH ELAINE PLAY SOCCER : 8/23/13
Visiting Elaine in Kansas to see her play soccer on her Sterling College team was amazing. Of course she won because she rocks. We got to explore Kansas State University, and fish and relax with the Millers.
Graduation bucket list item #53 completed: TRY THE FOOD AT MI NIDITO RESTAURANT : 8/29/13
Mi Nidito is one of Tucson’s best Mexican restaurants.
Graduation bucket list item #101 completed: EAT AT BEAR DOWN KITCHEN : 10/9/13
It was super cool eating at Bear Down Kitchen located in the University of Arizona stadium. This is where the athletes come to eat!
Graduation bucket list item #113 completed: WATCH AN AWAY GAME ON UNIVERSITY : 10/13/13
Everyone needs to experience what it is like to go watch any away game on University. Just hit up any bar/restaurant and cheer on the Cats with some friends.
Graduation bucket list item #116 completed: VISIT THE U OF A HALL OF FAME : 10/16/13
Every Wildcat definitely needs to check out the Hall of Fame. It has a lot of cool history on the U of A and it shows how well we are doing outside of Tucson!
Graduation bucket list item #33 completed: GO TO TERROR IN THE CORN : 10/20/13
This place was freaking terrifying. I recommend if you like getting scared. They don’t play here lol
Graduation bucket list item #95 completed: EAT AT EL NENE (RACHAEL RAY’S FAVE SPOT) : 10/23/13
This place was delicious. No wonder it’s Rachael Ray’s favorite hot dog place in Tucson. Highly recommend. Cash only!
Graduation bucket list item #50 completed: EAT A FAMOUS HIGHLAND BURRITO AFTER 12AM : 10/25/13
EVERY WILDCAT needs to do this. Drop by the Highland Market after midnight and grab a famous breakfast burrito. They are delicious but it’s more about the experience and the people you see and the memories. And you usually see some basketball players and who doesn’t want to see that?!?!
Graduation bucket list item #5 completed: GO TO THE FAMOUS YUMA HAUNTED DUNGEON : 10/27/13
The haunted dungeon was so epic and actually pretty scary. Very well done and I would recommend it to anyone!
Graduation bucket list item #57 completed: ATTEND THE NATIONAL SHPE CONFERENCE : 11/1/13
Hands down attending theSHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) National Conference in Indianapolis was one of the best experiences of my senior year. I encourage all students to attend at least one conference. Not only was it helpful in networking and obtaining internships/jobs, it is also SO MUCH FUN and it’s so great meeting other students just like you.
Graduation bucket list item #110 completed: TAILGATE BEFORE HOMECOMING : 11/10/13
Tailgating before Homecoming was such a blast. Definitely recommend it!
Graduation bucket list item #55 completed: WATCH ALL OF THE STAR WARS MOVIES : 11/17/13
Wow I can’t believe I had gone my whole life without watching these movies as an AEROSPACE engineering student!!! These movies are as amazing as everyone says they are. Do yourself a favor and watch them. In Blu-ray if you can.
Graduation bucket list item #2 completed: DRIVE THE STUDENT BUILT BAJA CAR : 11/17/13
This was a fun one. Getting to be able to drive this car that my fellow peers helped to build was a great feeling. Plus the car is REALLY fast.
Graduation bucket list item #119 completed: GET INTERVIEWED TO BE ON TV : 11/18/13
It was so cool getting interviewed to be on Fox Sports Arizona by my good friend Ashley who at the time was studying at the Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU. And I got interviewed to talk about one of my favorite topics: U OF A BASKETBALL!
Graduation bucket list item #21 completed: RUSH THE FOOTBALL FIELD : 11/23/13
Rushing the football field after beating Oregon who was ranked SO MUCH HIGHER than us was so awesome. It was such an adrenaline rush! Hope you can all one day rush a football field after an epic game.
Graduation bucket list item #121 completed: MEET THE INFAMOUS ‘ZOO KEEPER’ : 11/23/13
If you attended the U of A from 2010-2014, you will have seen this guy. This guy is known as the ‘Zoo Keeper’ and you can see him at every football game getting the student section all hyped up. I had been wanting to meet him for a while and I finally met him when we beat Oregon! Turns out, he’s also an engineering student! Small world!
Graduation bucket list item #122 completed: RIDE A MECHANICAL BULL : 11/30/13
I think the picture speaks for itself lol Tempe can be fun sometimes
Graduation bucket list item #89 completed: GO TO THE UA VS ASU FOOTBALL GAME : 12/1/13
Even though my Cats lost, it was still a good game. Don’t think I’ll be doing this one again..there were way too many Sun Devils around me 😉
It’s okay though, because UA is still beating ASU in statistics 🙂
Graduation bucket list item #98 completed: WEAR SWEET COSTUME TO A GAME : 12/7/13 & 2/6/14
This was so much fun even though my friends were embarrassed to be seen with me lol
Graduation bucket list item #68 completed: VISIT WINTER HAVEN : 12/20/13
Winter Haven is such a cool place in Tucson! Every year, a whole neighborhood decorates all of the houses in beautiful lights and other decorations. They also collect cans to give to those in need. It’s beautiful and it is for a good cause. I highly recommend.
Graduation bucket list item #59 completed: CHECK OUT THE NEW WIND TUNNEL AT UA: 1/26/14
This was a super cool tour but I wasn’t alllowed to take pictures. If you are at the UA, I would encourage you to email the professor and ask to see the tunnel.
Graduation bucket list item #62 completed: VISIT SLIDE ROCK IN SEDONA : 2/3/14
Slide Rock was BEAUTIFUL. If you love nature, come check out this place. When I went the weather was perfect and it started SNOWING.
Graduation bucket list item #124 completed: STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES : 2/4/14
When I ‘stopped to smell the roses’ I literally sat on the U of A mall (grassy area in center of campus) and just sat there. I slowed things down, relaxed, soaked in the sunshine and just breathed. No music, no talking, no texting, no social media. Probably my favorite item on my bucket list. Sometimes you just need to stop.
Graduation bucket list item #127 completed: EAT AT THE RESTAURANT ‘1702’ : 2/6/14
I was so excited when I finally tried this restaurant because I would always see it when I would drive through campus. This place is now one of my very favorite restaurants near campus. The slices of pizza are HUGE and sooo flavorful. The wings are amazing too. Definitely recommend this place.
Graduation bucket list item #70 completed: GO TO THE TUCSON GEM AND MINERAL SHOW : 2/16/14
I was very lucky and got to go to the 60th annual Tucson Gem and Mineral show so when I went there was so much to see! Super cool and very pretty items. I was also very lucky in going to the show with a mining engineering student so he was able to give me a lot of fun facts including that you can lick rocks to figure out what kind of rock it is!
Graduation bucket list item #63 completed: GO TO THE UA VS ASU HOCKEY GAME : 2/23/14
The hockey game was super exciting! U of A unfortunately lost but it was still a great game! I would definitely come back.
Graduation bucket list item #88 completed: HIKE SEVEN FALLS : 2/24/14
Seven Falls is one of my all time favorite hikes in Tucson. The views before the falls are beautiful and once you get to the falls…well you’re kind of left speechless. Beautiful hike and it’s not super difficult. The water is freezing so watch out. I recommend this hike!
Graduation bucket list item #36 completed: GO TO AN EPIC CONCERT : various dates
I went to the Vampire Weekend concert where Sky Ferreira opened for them and it was absolutely such a blast! Vampire Weekend put on a fantastic show as did Sky Ferreira. We were super lucky and go to meet the very talented Sky Ferreira after the show!
Teddy Geiger was FANTASTIC live. Such a dreamy voice and such beautiful songs.
The Swedish DJ Duo Rebecca and Fiona were my very first ‘house’ type music concert. It was such a blast. Rebecca gave me a free beer and Fiona high fived me! So epic.
American Authors and Camden West put on such a great show!
Lana Del Rey was AMAZING. I love her voice.
Hoodie Allen had such amazing energy and was so good live.
Graduation bucket list item #106 completed: EAT AT EL CHARRO RESTAURANT : 3/25/14
This place was good!! Delicious fancy Mexican food.
Graduation bucket list item #32 completed: GO TO THE FAMOUS SEASONS POOL PARTY : 3/29/14
This was pretty epic…I can see why it’s famous now hahaha definitely recommend 😉
Graduation bucket list item #11 completed: GO ARCHERY SHOOTING : 3/30/14
This was so much fun and so epic. Definitely channelled my inner Katniss. It’s actually surprisingly much harder than it looks but I hit a bulls eye! I recommend going with someone who is kind of an expert, at least your first time.
Graduation bucket list item #10 completed: EAT AT EMPIRE PIZZA AND PUB : 3/30/14
This place is known for its wings and I can definitely see why!! One of my favorite places to grab wings in Tucson. Highly recommend!
Graduation bucket list item #114 completed: JOIN AN INTRAMURAL SOCCER TEAM : 4/2/14
Such a blast! We won our first game where I made my debut as a goalie. I think everyone should join at least one intramural team. Super fun!
Graduation bucket list item #40 completed: EAT AT WINGS OVER BROADWAY : 4/10/14
This place is also super well known for wings in Tucson and I can see why. Super flavorful and SPICY. Pretty sure I teared up a bit.

Graduation bucket list item #47 completed: SHOP AT BUFFALO EXCHANGE THRIFT STORE : 4/11/14
Super cool place to shop! Lots of cute random things.
Graduation bucket list item #126 completed: HIKE TUMAMOC HILL : 4/13/14
Great hike! Probably one of the steepest hikes I’ve ever done. Had to rest a few times on the way up. A little difficult but the view is definitely worth it.
Graduation bucket list item #13 completed: EAT AT FRANK’S & FRANCISCO’S RESTAURANT : 4/13/14
This place was SO CUTE and quaint. Definitely had a home cooking feel. The food was DELICIOUS and the pancakes were just enormous. We were basically full the whole day haha we recommend!
Graduation bucket list item #77 completed: TOUR THE STEWARD OBSERVATORY MIRROR LAB : 4/14/14
Such a cool lab with lots of cool educational portions. It was awesome to see the super large mirrors that take years to make and are then placed on telescopes!
Graduation bucket list item #25 completed: PARTICIPATE IN RELAY FOR LIFE : 4/26/14
Participating in the largest fundraiser for the American Cancer Society was such a humbling experience especially since I have people in my life who have passed on due to cancer. I encourage everyone to participate in something like this.
Graduation bucket list item #103 completed: STOP THE SPREAD OF NEGATIVE MESSAGES : 4/26/14
There’s this guy called Brother Dean who hangs around campus who is just so full of hate and bigotry and who is constantly seen holding up disrespectful signs like ‘you deserve hell’ or ‘you deserve rape’. I’ve always wanted to stand in front of him and hold up a sign with a positive message to show that love conquers hate. Today, I finally did it. At Relay For Life he was holding a sign that said ‘you deserve hell’ and a few other students and I stood in front of him to shield the cancer survivors from his negative message.
Graduation bucket list item #7 completed: DO YOGA OUTDOORS : 5/7/14
Doing yoga outdoors is the best way to do yoga, in my personal opinion. At least under the shade of trees and later in the evening when the weather is beautiful. Everyone needs to do yoga outdoors at least once especially if you are a student because sometimes you just need to de-stress and slow life down a little bit. Here’s what I learned: Be kind to yourself, it’s yoga.
Graduation bucket list item #114 completed: THROW A TOGA PARTY : 5/16/14
This grad bucket list item was an interesting one. It started out with me wanting to just GO to a toga party and then it turned into me just throwing a toga party. My lovely roommates made this into a happy graduation/toga party for me because they are amazing. It was such a fun time, crazy times were had by all lol 🙂
Graduation bucket list item #14 completed: GET ZONA ZOO AND GO TO ALL GAMES : all year
The student section ‘Zona Zoo‘ is known as the most passionate and loudest section in the PAC 12 and it was such a blast having a zona zoo pass and going to all of the football and basketball games. Definitely encourage everyone to get the pass. I also got to meet Mike Bibby, Elliott Pitts, Brandon Ashley, TJ McConnell and Rondae Hollis-Jefferson (UA basektball players).
Graduation bucket list item # 12 completed : GET THE MOST ENGINEERING AMBASSADOR POINTS
An Engineering Ambassadoris someone who goes through a selection and interview process in order to represent the College of Engineering at the University of Arizona. The primary goal of an Engineering Ambassador is to go out and recruit and encourage people to go into engineering. It was such a fun part of my college experience and I encourage all students to join a similar organization in their colleges.
Graduation bucket list item #79 completed: HAVE AN EPIC SPRING BREAK : March
We started off spring break with a super spontaneous trip to Las Vegas!!! We were literally watching the basketball game at a bar in Tucson one night and we said ‘we should be in Vegas watching the tournament in person’ and one thing led to another and we all packed our bags and drove to Vegas!
We had never seen the Hoover Dam in person so we decided to make a quick pit stop.
We had such a blast in Vegas!!! After Vegas, was the planned part of spring break: San Francisco!
Graduation bucket list item #1 IN PROGRESS : GRADUATE
Graduation bucket list item #1 COMPLETED: GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for getting to the end of the graduation bucket list…I know it’s pretty long 😉 feel free to check out the other bucket lists that have resulted after my graduation bucket list: Life Bucket List, Food Bucket List, Travel Bucket List & Hiking Bucket List!