If you like beer and and beautiful cathedrals, then you need to take a trip to Germany! Check out all of my recommendations for when you visit! Stay tuned as I am actively updating this blog post.
What To Eat and Drink
The best German restaurant I’ve been to is definitely Brahaus Lion Koln in Germany, but check out all of my recommendations here in the German Food Bucket List!

The most delicious bratwurst I have ever had was in Koln, Germany at a restaurant called Brahaus Lion! It was so delicious and the fries and the beer totally completed the meal!
What to See and Do

I hiked up the 533 steps (475 feet!!!) of the Cologne Cathedral (aka Kölner Dom) to the top to see a beautiful view of Köln, Germany! It was a rough hike but 100% worth it. Beautiful view, beautiful windy weather and I felt so great about myself after lol totally loving Germany and Europe right now! Check out more European cathedrals here.

We were so winded and out of breath when we made it to the top, but WE MADE IT!!

The view at the top of the Cologne Cathedral (aka Kölner Dom). Köln is a beautiful city. I miss Germany!

At the top, there was a bell and yes it sounded when we got up there! I could FEEL the sound.

The Cologne Cathedral is seriously such a beautiful building on the inside, the outside, during the day, at night, all the time.

We crossed the bridge and still could not believe we had made it to the very top earlier that day! We were up there, near the pointy end!


When I was in college one of my crazier graduation bucket list items was to have a week full of drinking, where I partied and drank every day of the week. I got close to crossing off this item (senior year was wild lol) but I never did completely cross it off…that is until I took my first trip to Europe a year after graduating. And lucky for me, I chose the best places to cross off this item: from the Guinness in Ireland, to all of the beer in Belgium and Germany, it was a match made in heaven. Really wishing I was back in Germany where I had several of these tiny glasses of Früh Kölsch, a Kölsch style beer brewed by Brauerei Früh am Dom in Köln, Germany. The beer was super refreshing and super cheap.
I visited the love locks bridge in Köln on the Hohenzollernbrücke bridge and it was so cool. There were so many locks (around 40,000 according to Wikipedia)! Apparently couples put a love lock on the bridge to symbolize and honor their love. Definitely coming back here and adding a lock some day!

While driving from Belgium to Germany, I was able to cross off a bucket list item! My friend drove on the infamous autobahn aka the freeway in Germany where you can drive ridiculous speeds like 187 km/hr aka 116 miles an hour!!! Being a passenger was terrifying so I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to drive it. I’ll have to come back and drive it! It was scary I won’t lie lol but super cool to experience! And yes we were definitely driving 187 km/hr!!
Those of you who have been following my blog and social media know that I am ALL ABOUT observation decks. There is just something about being that high up and being able to see incredible views that has always intrigued me. I got the chance to get to the top of a really cool observation deck in Cologne, Germany: Panorama Observation Deck aka Aussichtsplattform and it was so cool. There were truly some awesome views of the cathedral and the city!


While traveling in Germany and Belgium, I had to participate in the great debate: Belgium vs Germany fries. They were both very, very good and a lot more filling than American fries but I have to say that I preferred Belgische Pommes! And yes, they have those interesting looking food statues everywhere!
That’s all from me folks! If I left you hungry for more traveling bucket list items in Germany, feel free to check out the Travel Bucket List!
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