This past weekend, I was able to cross off bucket list item #21: run a 10K! I chose the Run the Runway 10K at the Scottsdale Airport because I love airplanes and it sounded like an epic run. And it totally was!
5 Reasons To Add A Race To Your Bucket List!
This weekend, I will be crossing off bucket list item #21: run a 10K and I am SO EXCITED. Not only am I excited because it’s my first 10K but also because it is the Run the Runway 10K! And I’ll be running at an airport. SURROUNDED BY PLANES. If you know me, you’ll know that I’m an airplane enthusiast and that I like to share fun airplane facts (lol) so this is the perfect 10K for me. Plus, think of all the great photo opportunities! Since I’m just really excited and amped up, I want to share the energy and the enthusiasm so below are 5 reasons to add a race to your bucket list!
Bucket List Item #320: Monster Bubbles Completed!
This past week was a very exciting week for me, for my blog/Facebook page, and for all of you (my friends and readers)! First, I crossed off bucket list item #320: Check out Monster Bubbles at Paradise Valley mall, which was super exciting, random, and epic! It was an exciting week for my blog/Facebook page because we had our first giveaway! And it was an exciting week for you (my friends and readers) because one of you won the giveaway and joined me in crossing off a bucket list item!
Let’s jump right in! A few of you may ask ‘what is a Monster Bubble and why on Earth would you want to do that?’. Let me explain. A Monster bubble is a 9 foot tall gerbil ball (looks like a sphere) where people go in (like a hamster/gerbil) and run around and bounce all around an enclosed space. That might sound a little weird, but oh my gosh it was such a blast.
My first #WeAllGrow Blogger Conference!
(Photo courtesy of #WeAllGrow Summit)
Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending my very first #WeAllGrow Blogger Conference in Long Beach, CA. I was sponsored to attend because I got hand-selected by Latina Bloggers Connect and Collectivo. I was selected, along with a couple other Phoenix bloggers to get mentored by the wonderful Crafty Chica and she has been so amazing. I’ll be talking about that awesome program later in a different post. For now let’s focus on the conference.
You can check out the video below for a quick recap or keep reading for a more in depth look of my experience , or you can do both 🙂
The conference was so much fun starting from the very beginning when the chicas from my blogger group and I met up to drive to California in our sweet new rides (full post here).
The first day of the conference was super exciting because it was the day of the field trips!
Welcome to Enthusiastic About Life!
Hi friends! Thanks for checking out the new site 🙂
I’ve thought long and hard about whether I should make the plunge to change my website/blog name and I’ve decided it’s time. If ABC Family can change their name to Freeform, then I can too!
8 Reasons To Get The Scion iA!
This post is sponsored by Toyota. All opinions are my own.
As most of you who follow me on social media already know, this weekend I was in Long Beach, California having an absolute blast at the We All Grow summit. More details on all of the action there will be posted a little later so keep a look out. Today we are focusing on the transportation to this amazing conference. I was very fortunate to have been hooked up by Toyota Latino and Scion with two beautiful, sleek and sporty cars: the Scion iA and the Scion iM. As much as I wish I was able to drive both like a superwoman, I was only able to drive the Scion iA. My friend Sylvia drove the Scion iM and you can check out her review here. Now you all have all of the necessary information to make a good decision.
Conquering Ford Canyon Trail!
This past weekend, a few friends and I conquered the 8 mile Ford Canyon Trail at White Tank Mountain Regional Park in Waddell, Arizona. I had been hiking at White Tank Mountain Regional Park but I had only ever done the Waterfall Trail, which is a short and super easy hike. And I never really looked at the different trails on this mountain, but luckily my friend Rebecca looked!
My friend Rebecca has hiked the full look (Ford Canyon Trail) a few times and she recommended it to me so we organized the Honeywell Hikers crew and set off. The Ford Canyon Trail was definitely long and strenuous in some parts. It took us about 5 hours (with about 30 minutes set apart for lunch at the dam) to finish up the 8 mile hike.
Mom Crosses Off Grand Canyon From Her Bucket List!

This Valentine’s Day/President’s Day weekend, my mom and I drove up North to cross off an item from my mom’s bucket list. My mom has been living in Arizona for almost 30 years and she has never been to the Grand Canyon…until today!
Continue readingLessons Learned In Europe!
Hi friends! This blog will be super short and sweet (hopefully) because I’m really exhausted and have decided to reserve all of my thinking power for my day job lol. I’ll be posting a few random lessons learned while in each country and while in Europe in general. The next few weeks will have more detailed blogs on what I did in each country!
Lessons learned in Belgium: (#mairainBE)
Before arriving in Belgium, I knew that Belgium was well known for its beer, chocolate and waffles. Let’s talk about beer. During my time in Belgium I learned that Belgians are proud of their beer, AND FOR GOOD REASON. Belgian beer is hands down the best beer I have ever tasted. Not only is it super flavorful, but it is all also super high in alcohol content. Literally the lowest ABV (alcohol by volume) was 12% lol. I took pictures of the majority of the beer and wine that I drank so in future blogs I will talk about my faves! P.S. – I’m such a beer snob now lol.
Getting Ready For Europe!
Hi friends! This blog will be all about all of the preparations that Tim and I have done to get ready for Europe and what we’ve learned along the way! I’m going to jump right in!
The very first thing we learned was that if you want to get cheap flight tickets, then you have to WAIT and research and pray a little lol. When we first started looking at tickets to Belgium (from Phoenix) the tickets were around $1300. But Tim and I had heard somewhere that airline ticket prices go up and down. We researched, read a few travel blogs and learned that the best time to buy a ticket to go abroad is 1.5-2 months before the trip. So Tim and I waited patiently, and luckily Tim held me back when I wanted to buy the tickets at $890 because I thought that was the cheapest they would get. The next few days, we got super lucky andwere able to buy our tickets to Europe for $650!!! So that’s the advice, keep watching the prices and buy when you think it’s right.