If you like beer and and beautiful cathedrals, then you need to take a trip to Germany! Check out all of my recommendations for when you visit! Stay tuned as I am actively updating this blog post.
Continue readingIf you like beer and and beautiful cathedrals, then you need to take a trip to Germany! Check out all of my recommendations for when you visit! Stay tuned as I am actively updating this blog post.
Continue readingOne of my favorite things about traveling to a new city is that there is always something exciting to do simply because it’s a new experience, and sometimes I am lucky enough to visit a place like Roseville, Minnesota that is perfectly positioned and only 10 minutes away from two major cities: Minneapolis and Saint Paul. This means that I have the opportunity to cross off bucket list items in three different cities instead of just one. I’ve created the Ultimate Minnesota Bucket List so that you can take advantage of all that this great state has to offer. Brace yourself because there is a lot goinghttps://www.visitroseville.com in this article, because Minnesota is that awesome! Enjoy and let me know if I need to add anything to this bucket list!
A couple of months ago, I read a Buzzfeed article on Facebook where a ton of runners shared why they started running.
It was a very inspiring piece (check it out here) because the reasons were all so different, and so were the runners. After reading that piece, I went for a run (of course) to reflect on why I started running. The reason I started running is very simple: I wanted to run a marathon because I had heard of people running 26.2 miles and could not believe that this was possible.
I wanted to prove to myself that anything I set my mind to, I could accomplish. And what started off as a huge goal in my mind, changed my entire life.
When I first started running, it was just to reach that goal of crossing a full marathon off my bucket list, but as I started running and learning about true discipline (among other lessons), I began to really enjoy running. I enjoyed that it calmed me down when I was nervous, I enjoyed that it de-stressed me when work or life was overwhelming. I enjoyed slowing down my mind and focusing on just one thing: putting one foot in front of the other, versus thinking of the million things I had to do the next day. I enjoyed seeing my body change as I ran, getting stronger and faster.
It’s a simple (and very ambitious) reason to start running but as I continued with my running journey, I realize that I may just have one reason why I started running, but I have so many more reasons why I still run today.
Running is a huge part of my life and if you’ve been following along, I’m sure you already know this. So today, I’ve decided to share a few of the most important reasons why I still run in the hopes that you’ll get to know me at a deeper level, but also to maybe inspire you to lace up your own running shoes and join me on this #EnthusiasticAboutRunning journey.
I’ve spoken often of how I love when the Universe brings together things that I love in the best way. Like when I ran the ‘Run The Runway 10K‘ which combined my love of airplanes and running. Or every time I try a new restaurant from a place I recently visited. Or this time, when I read a book about traveling that makes me feel like I am traveling, even if I am just at the nail salon, at my house, in my car, or at dinner reading while waiting for a friend.
Today, we are discussing a book that speaks about one of my favorite loves: travel.
That book is “A World Worth Seeing” by Brian Nelson, a world traveler. In A World Worth Seeing, Brian Nelson takes readers through North and South America, Australia and the Pacific Islands, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. It’s a shorter book (only about 90 pages) and it’s a super quick read.
I have always wanted to visit Niagara Falls and finally crossed off this incredible place from my travel bucket list! I didn’t do much research before going so all I knew was what friends had told me: that the Falls would take my breath away, and they did! I learned so much and was captivated by this natural wonder that I felt the need to immediately share these 14 photos to inspire you to visit!
Continue readingAt the beginning of 2017, I wrote a post with 12 Bucket List Items that I wanted to cross off in 2017 and one of those items was to run a full marathon. I set a very big goal of one day running 26.2 miles….and I did it! I crossed off this bucket list item back in October and IT WAS AMAZING. It took a lot of time and work to get here and I learned so much on my journey.
In just one week, I will be turning 26 so I figured now is the perfect time to talk about the time I ran 26.2 miles, took 26 selfies, and learned 26 important lessons.
I decided to run the Wineglass Marathon in upstate New York because a friend invited me, the course looked beautiful, and I wanted to run somewhere with nice weather. I absolutely loved the race and during the race, I knew I wanted to document my experience so I took a selfie at every mile.
Yes, 26 selfies…I know that’s a lot. Don’t worry, I’ll only share my two favorites, but I will definitely share all 26 lessons learned. I hope this inspires you to run a marathon because it really is life changing. Stay tuned for more running posts, because this website is Enthusiastic About Running! Enjoy the 26 lessons, my friends!
Today is National Walking Day so obviously we all need to get our steps in, and what better way than with some outdoor walking also known as hiking! One of my favorite long hikes in Arizona is the Aspen Peak Trail at Hualapai Mountain in Kingman, Arizona. I believe everyone needs to check out this mountain because the views are beautiful and in case you don’t believe me, I’ve rounded up 9 of my favorite photos to inspire you! Enjoy!
On my last trip to Washington, I was told that I absolutely needed to add the Washington Park Arboretum to my bucket list and I could not agree more! If you are a fan of beautiful trees, flowers, walking trails, and just nature in general, this is your spot. Check out 7 of my favorite photos that I’m sure will convince you to visit!
My cousin recently moved out to Goodyear and messaged me asking for the best places to hike in West Phoenix and I directed her to my Hiking Bucket List. After sending her the link, I realized the Hiking Bucket List has hikes all over Arizona and she really just needed a more specialized list, so I made it happen! I aim to please, and if you cross off all these hikes and need more inspiration, check out 5 North Phoenix Hikes To Add To Your Hiking Bucket List! Enjoy!
A few months ago, I visited Vancouver for the first time ever to celebrate my friend’s last few nights of being single and we had a freaking blast. We splurged a little and stayed at an extravagant Airbnb in Downtown Vancouver with beautiful views and it was so worth it! If you’re not familiar with Airbnb, it is a great way to travel if you are trying to save some cash. Airbnb is a company that allows people to rent out rooms, apartments, or entire homes for travelers! Feel free to use my Airbnb link here to save $40 off of your first Airbnb stay.
I’ve given you all wallpapers from Puerto Rico and from Chicago…who is ready for wallpapers from Vancouver?!